Combat/self-defense is chaotic at best. It is impossible to know in advance what tools will be needed - kicking (ti), punching (da), trapping (shuai) or grappling (na). This program is designed for anyone, ages 7 and up, who wants to learn what tools are useful when and how these tools work.

Centuries ago, the Shaolin monks distilled all possible positions and movements of the arms, body and legs into their most basic forms. You will learn the 3 body methods, 4 hand shapes and the 6 stances. The basic shapes and basic movements are then put together to create sets of tools. A partial list of the tools you will develop are long, medium and short range kicks, long, medium and short range punches, grabbing, anti-grabbing and counter-grabbing, how to take down, how to not be taken down, how to fall and how to get back up. These are studied, then built upon, to create an understanding of reality based on the principles of time, space and energy.

Not only will you will learn the technical aspects of kicks, strikes, traps, grabs, sweeps, take-downs and control on the ground, but also underlying concepts that allow for these techniques to work as they do. Learning Shaolin Wing Chun Kung Fu at Meng's of Greenwood provides not just skills to exist in all ranges of hand-to-hand combat but also the skills that bind them together - effortlessly flowing from one range to another, moment to moment. This makes you highly effective.

Once you become effective, Wing Chun then takes the skills you have learned and makes them efficient. This is achieved using a variety of concepts such as economy of motion, which is using the the least amount of energy in the smallest space in the shortest amount of time. Being efficient plays a significant role in decreasing the effect of a partner's, or opponent's, size, strength and speed as well as conserving your own energy.